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Job Vacancy
Cancer Information group
European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra , ITALY
The Cancer Information group at the JRC-Ispra is looking for an epidemiologist with expertise in information technology, to provide scientific and technical support to the European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Support to, and cooperation with the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) will be a key aspect towards improving the quality, reliability and comparability of cancer data.
Details of the vacancy:
Jean Faivre passed away on December 2, 2023.
He was Professor of Gastroenterology at Dijon
University Hospital and developed an intense
research activity.
Convinced of the importance of epidemiological
research, he founded the first digestive cancer
registry in France in 1976.
Jean Faivre was a passionate researcher and teacher. He advanced epidemiology and made a major contribution to population-based epidemiology research. He initiated numerous European collaborative projects, in particular within GRELL, which he chaired between 2009 and 2016, and within EUROCARE.
He campaigned with energy and determination for the introduction of organized colorectal cancer screening in France and helped France become one of the first countries to introduce such a screening system.
He marked us all with his rigor, his art of living, his energy and his great humanism.
Our thoughts are with him.

In Memoriam:
Jean Faivre
14 December 2023
07 August 2023
In Memoriam:
Marceli de Oliveira Santos
Deeply saddened, we have to announce that
Marceli De Oliveira Santos passed away on
Sunday, July 30, 2023.
The entire GRELL network sincerely expresses its
condolences to her loved ones.
Marceli was the representative of the South America Region in the GRELL Steering Committee. Having joined the National Cancer Institute of Brazil since 1997, she played a key role in the cancer registration expansion throughout Brazil. Marceli was a recognized authority in the field of cancer surveillance and epidemiology, a dedicated expert in improving access to essential cancer information in Brazil, and a beloved colleague who will be dearly missed among the entire GRELL network.
Some days before her passing away she was in Italy for the BENCHISTA project, which she attended with a great enthusiasm and participation.
We warmly thank you Marceli for your passion, your excellence and your everlasting wonderful smiles!
Nós agradecemos de coração, Marceli, pela sua paixão, excelência e seu eterno grande sorriso!
Rest in Peace.
On the behalf of the GRELL Network, Claudine Backes, President.
With warm thanks to Allini Mafra for her review and translation

Possibility for a post-doctoral fellowship in Granada, Spain
June 2023
The Cancer Registry of Granada at the Andalusian School of Public Health is looking for a researcher interested in applying in the ARISTOS program of the CIBER Research Center in Spain. ARISTOS offers 27 Marie-Curie-type fellowships for a selected number of research groups across Spain. Detailed information can be found on the ARISTOS webpage: https://postdoc-aristos.com/
Key facts about the program
3-year contract (competitive salary in relation to the living costs in Granada, Spain)
Additional allowance for research, training, travel, and family costs
Candidates must hold a PhD (no limit to the years since the PhD degree was obtained)
Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately preceding the deadline of the call
Fellowships are restricted to a selected number of research groups, so with a good proposal, chances for a positive outcome are excellent
We are a multidisciplinary research group part of the Cancer Registry of Granada at the Andalusian School of Public Health, the Biomedical Research Institute ibs.GRANADA, and the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP): https://postdoc-aristos.com/DetailGroup?Grupo=42
Please, contact the group director Dr. Maria José Sánchez (mariajose.sanchez.easp@juntadeandalucia.es, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4817-0757) if you would be interested in submitting an application.
GRELL endorsement of the Toronto Childhood Cancer Stage Guidelines
Novembre 2021
The GRELL Steering Committee endorses and promotes the use of the Toronto Childhood Cancer Stage Guidelines by Cancer Registries.
Most population-based cancer registries (CRs) hold incomplete data on tumour stage for childhood cancers. This is because staging systems used for adult cancers are not easily applicable to childhood cancer and/or inadequate or even not existing for documenting extent
of disease at diagnosis.
Consensus guidelines for use by population cancer registries for staging childhood cancers
(the Toronto Paediatric Cancer Stage Guidelines) have been developed. The Guidelines
recommend the malignancy-specific staging system most suitable for use by population based
cancer registries for 16 childhood malignancies. The importance of the Toronto staging is as a
tool for cancer registries to have comparable stage information at a population-level for each of
the commonly recognised childhood cancers.
The GRELL steering committee wants to endorse and encourage the active use of the
published Toronto Childhood Cancer Stage Guidelines in order to promote European and
international consistency for those registries who wish to collect stage for childhood
The Guidelines and the consensus process by which they were developed are published in
The Lancet Oncology 2016;17:e163-72. Feasibility, validity and staging rules are published in
The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health 2018; 2(3):173-179. Staging rules are available in
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. A summary of the Guidelines is published in TNM
Classification of Malignant Tumours, 8th edition (2017).
A new Grell collaborative study
September 2021
Variation of Cancer Incidence between and within GRELL Countries.
Contiero P, Tagliabue G, Gatta G, Galceran J, Bulliard JL, Bertoldi M, Scaburri A, Crocetti E, On Behalf Of The Grell Geographic Analysis Working Group.
Int J Environ Res Public Health ​2021 Sep 2;18(17):9262.
New GRELL logo available
March 8, 2019
After the contest promoted by the GRELL Steering Committeee to the creation of the new GRELL logo, it has now become available.