As a GRELL member you make a difference furthering GRELL's mission and you meet others who share an interest in cancer epidemology and registration.

Members are epidemiologists and researchers working in population cancer registries or working regularly with population-based cancer registries whose activity is in areas or countries of Latin languages.
To become a member, a person should simply contact the GRELL secretariat, which will provide the details for fee payment. Membership is confirmed by the secretariat upon receipt of the proof of payment.
As mentioned in the association's statutes, the membership fee is set by the Steering Committee per any calendar year. Membership is terminated by resignation, death or by decision of the GRELL's General Assembly, especially when it considers that the obligations of members are no longer satisfied; the decision is taken by simple majority of members present.
Reduced registration fee for GRELL Annual Meeting
Opportunity to apply for Money Prize given to the best oral presentation at Annual Meeting, valued the registration fee of the given year for researchers under 35 years old
Reduced registration fee for specific conferences/workshops organized in Latin languages (list of events to be divulged as they become available)
Exclusivity of access to course material and presentations
Periodic newsletters on the association's activities and publications